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Womb Wrap Workshop April

  • Womb Wrap Workshop April
  • Womb Wrap Workshop April
  • Womb Wrap Workshop April
  • Womb Wrap Workshop April
  • Womb Wrap Workshop April

I am pleased to say that I’ll be holding a Beltane Womb Wrap making workshop on the 27th and 28th of April alongside Jade Moon.

'Weaving the Red Thread' will be an immersive ritualised weekend where we will be learning the sacred crafts of spinning, weaving and adornment.

We will be nestled in a beautiful, comfortable and spacious yurt in a quiet part of Totnes, South Devon.

Our time will be a cauldron of learning, sisterhood, ceremony, celebration, ease, joy, relaxation, embodiment and deep listening.

Our focus on Saturday will be anchored in ceremony and the simple magics of warping the rigid heddle loom and preparing our yarns and fibres ready to start weaving, inter-dispersed with meditation, movement, story and song from both Jade and I. Jade will teach us a chant to sing as we spin and weave, these words will be woven into our cloth. She will also offer poems spoken and a special story celebrating the reclaiming of the power of bleeding. All these resonances will be woven into the belts that we create, as they float in the air between us all.

There will be an option to borrow the looms and tools on the Saturday evening should you desire.

Sunday will offer us a day of weaving, flow and the finishing of the cloth, birthing the belt from the Loom. We focus on the adornment and celebrate the miracle of making. Each adornment will add depth of meaning to your womb belt, Jade will bring beads and other hand made elements made in her Temple Studio with sacred intent and you will be invited to choose from them for symbolic enhancement of your magical creation to support you as you bleed.

This is an invitation to bring reverence, honouring and deep listening to your womb space.

Womb wraps offer physical support and holding during the many phases of the month, moon and our lives. They bind our hips and support our pelvis’s and are an essential component to aid in womb and pelvic health. They energetically attune us to our womb centres and the work of making them is a display of peaceful activism. We must reclaim reverence for the feminine form.

Before, during and after the process of creating your own womb wrap, having gone through all of the stages of making, you will imbue your cloth with your personal intention, protection and story. This is a powerful act.

We will be an intimate group of 6 Women so as to create a safe and sacred space in which ritual and the exploration of creativity are mutually encouraged and supported.

With our intention being to Weave and Spin a Womb Wrap Cloth, we suggest that you spend some time tuning in to your wombs intentions for the wrap and the weekend if you are called to join. We will be sending information regarding preparing for our time together personally by email.

We will work together between 10am to 5pm each day. Tea and light snacks will be provided, but you are asked to bring your own lunch and accommodate for your personal dietary requirements.

If the financial exchange for this weekend is out of reach, I can offer split payments or a payment plan.

We are happy to answer any questions,
For now I offer my blessings and gratitude,
And so it will be,

Rosemary 🌹