Hello, Thank You for being here.
A few moons ago I was interviewed for Warp and Weft Mag's Field Notes series, where I write about my practise and the origins of inspiration behind my work, you can follow the link below to have a read;
Warp and Weft Mag; Wild Rose Weaving 2021
Here you will find a written cloth of mixed origin; a patch work quilt of words and passages that are an accumulation of old and new. I hope this can offer context to this Work, and an insight into the Journey of Wild Rose's Becoming;
My first experience of witnessing Hand Woven textiles was at the exhibition 'Weaving and the Wild Feminine' by Imogen Bright Moon of Bright Moon Weaving Studio, ONCA 2018 (
I was 18 years old and completing an Art and Design foundation Course at Brighton College. I'd been focusing on illustrative drawing and printmaking and loved the intricacy and intensity of creative work. I am fortunate to have been guided, inspired and actively encouraged to Create for my whole Life by my Family and the people and cultures I grew up in. For this, I am eternally Grateful.
Everything changed the moment I placed foot into that exhibition space- a Woven Sanctuary of Beauty, Powerful Femininity and raw creative alchemy of a level I had never witnessed first hand.
Imogen and I stayed in touch, she was kind enough to give me a skein of yarn, a drop spindle and a cardboard loom. The only tools that were needed for the start of this Soul Journey.
For the next 2 months I openly and aimlessly started to learn the crafts of spinning and weaving. I used my spindle upside down and made looms by placing nails on my bedroom walls- but piece by piece I began to unravel all that I knew about being a woman.
On the 1st of May that year, I went to an Ancient and sacred grove of Yew trees a short bike ride from my childhood home. It was there that the Forest taught me the ways of Weaving and Womanhood. I found a confidence there that has never left me for these old silent watchers installed in me an energy of deep ancestral knowing that I was born to work my hands and spirit through this craft.
In 2019 I was blessed to continue my Woven journey. Imogen asked if I would like to take part in a 6 month Hand spinning and Weaving apprenticeship where I would further learn the processes of fibre to cloth.
It was my initiation into Womanhood, marked by my 20th birthday half way through our time together.
I could write for day after day about the learnings and magic of my time with Imogen, who remains a cherished Sister and one of the most talented, generous and humble people I know.
I created a blog during our time together, that is still available, please follow the link if you would like to know more about those months; Weaving Apprenticeship Blog; Luna Rose
I am now 24 and based near Dartmoor, South West England. Even now as I write the landscape is ensconced in a wild storm, with horizontal rain and heavy winds. These expressions of the elemental beings form the basis to the inspiration behind my work.
My practise is one of engaged spirituality. The loom, spindle, carder and materials are alchemical tools. Their presence is ancient, holy and a vital root that I believe can aid in our re-connection to the Earth and the sacredness of our lives.
The spindle offers insight and grounding to the spell-songs of the moment that we find ourselves woven, intricately, within.
The tap root of the Intent behind each and every thread held within my work is to bring forth Textiles who offer a connection to our Ancestral knowledge, who tether us to the Land and who hold us within the essential essence of our innate Belonging.
Weaving as ceremony.
Slow craft as activism,
Made in reverence to All Life.
This is our Re-Membering.