Weavers Circle

£8.00 - £25.00
  • Weavers Circle

Join me for an online Weavers circle from 7:00-8:00pm (GMT) on Wednesday the 26th of February. This session will be recorded and sent to those who cannot join us on the day ✨

With a focus on the new moon, together we will fuse the practicalities of the craft with the ritual and spiritual elements of making in community.

It feels potent to gather, whether online or in person, and share sacred time with our hands, voices and craft.

My experience of online spaces is that they can still offer strongholds of connection, inspiration and profound insights.

Our time together will consist of:

• a guided visualisation
• embodiment practise
• warping up, weaving and completing a cloth on a Hand loom
• Ways to infuse intention and meaning into your craft
• a short poetic writing practise

For this session we will be working with a Hand Loom, either one you have purchased from me or your own. You can make a simple hand loom using cardboard.

For those who have already purchased a 'Weavers tool kit' from me and wish to join this session please email me directly to claim your free place. I have created a tier payment system for this offering as I don't want finances to be a block, so if money is a limitation for you and you wish to join, please contact me directly.

The next online Weavers circle will be in April, and our focus will be on the Drop Spindle.

After signing up you'll receive the Zoom link details, and further information about our time.

Tier 1: warp £8
Tier 2: weft £15
Tier 3: weave £25


  • Tier 1: Warp
    98 in stock
  • Tier 2: Weft
    100 in stock
  • Tier 3: Weave
    100 in stock